A Gift from Japan

Hello my sweety diary!

Today I wanna tell you something. About a week ago my mom went to Japan for work(how lucky she is T.T). Actually I wanna join her too T^T. But, okay, it's alright. Becauuuseee, my mom bought me a lot of cute stuff as a gift! Yeay \(^.^)/ Hahaha.. Here's the picture..

Isn't it cute?? >.< hehe. I think most of them are Rilakkuma(I really love it). Beside those cute stuff, my mom bought Japanese food too. You must be know Dorayaki right? Yes, that's doraemon's favorite food. So here  it is..

This is delicious, with bean paste inside. Just eat one dorayaki I already full(I didn't eat meal again). There's the small version of this dorayaki. Okay, the next one is Greentea Mochi that also yummy :9 Here it is..

I can't stop eating that one it's really yummy for me. Hehehe ^^v. Then I will show you the rest of the food. Here please..

There's something that is the combination of the two, it's food but its cute too. Check this one!

Tadaaa! They are Rilakkuma chocolate and chocolate candy. Oooh, I feel sorry to eat the chocolate :( Hahaha it's true! Cause they are sooo adorable >.< . That's all I wanna say to you diary, bye! ^^



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