Home-cooked Dish: Magelangan

Hi my sweety diary!

About 2 days ago my mom ordered me to made Magelangan. Because she knew that I like cooking lately and I just can make fried rice. And because Magelangan same with fried rice, just add noodle and then mixed them. It's easy for me to make because I used instant seasoning. I can make the tradisional one, but it's too tiring and... too long. So, I decided to bought an instant seasoning. Ah, I forgot in that Magelangan, I add sausages for the extra. I give a lot of chilli too cause our family love spicy food ^^. And when it was done, my mom told me that was delicious hahaha. This is the appearance..

And now, honestly, I started to like cooking. I wanna learn how to cook another food beside the easy fried rice or Magelangan ;) That's it diary, bye!



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